Lucid Air da record, un'altra volta. La berlina elettrica della startup americana ha già stupito quando ha dichiarato le prestazioni e, poco dopo, quando ha reso noto al mondo di avere un Cx di soli 0,21 (la miglior Tesla si ferma a 0,23), in grado di farla volare fino a 378 km/h.

Adesso da Newark (New Jersey) assicurano che la Lucid Air, in arrivo sul mercato a inizio 2021, adotterà un sistema di ausilio alla guida di ultimissima generazione. Addirittura, il più avanzato al mondo

La sfida è aperta

Per la guida autonoma, la Air sarà dotata di un nuovo tipo di sensori combinati con un Lidar ad alta risoluzione, un sistema di monitoraggio del conducente e un pacchetto di tecnologie che a dire il vero esistono anche su altri veicoli.  

Lucid Air AeroTesting

Il sistema adottato dalla Lucid Motors per la Air ricorda in qualche aspetto quello proposto da Ford sulla Mustang Mach-E, che infatti adotta un Lidar e una tecnologia di controllo dell'attenzione del conducente chiamata Active Drive Assist, che sfrutta una telecamera annegata nella strumentazione per tenere sotto controllo i movimenti di viso e occhi.

Sulla Air tutto questo sarà di serie. E da Lucid assicurano che il risultato sarà senza precedenti: in altre parole una sfida aperta al futuro Autopilot Tesla promesso da Elon Musk.

Un nome, un programma

Il pacchetto di assistenza alla guida della Lucid è stato chiamato DreamDrive, un nome che alza di parecchio l'asticella in termini di aspettative.

Queste le parole di Eugene Lee, direttore della divisione Adas di Lucid: "È unico nel suo genere ed è il primo che combina la più completa dotazione di sensori e telecamere con una tecnologia di ultimissima generazione in tema di controllo dei comportamenti di chi siede al posto guida. Il tutto, di serie sull'intera gamma".

Lucid Motors ADAS

Queste le caratteristiche principali divise per aree tematiche


  • Surround View Monitoring
  • Blind Spot Display
  • Cross Traffic Protection
  • Traffic Sign Recognition
  • Automatic Emergency Braking
  • Alerts per conducenti distratti o stanchi

Assistenza alla guida:

  • Full Speed Highway Assist (Adaptive Cruise Control e Lane Centering)
  • Traffic Drive-Off Alert
  • Headlight Assist


  • Autonomous Parking Assist
  • Pullout Control
  • Maneuver Comfort Braking
Lucid Air concept

Già pronti gli aggiornamenti OTA

In totale la tecnologia DreamDrive si compone di 19 dispositivi di sicurezza, assistenza alla guida e supporto al parcheggio. A questi se ne aggiungeranno altri 8 che saranno rilasciati dopo la data di commercializzazione attraverso un aggiornamento OTA del software.

Per ragioni di legislazione, la Lucid Air avrà una guida autonoma di Livello 2, ma sarà pronta al Livello 3 non appena la legge permetterà maggiore libertà al riguardo.

Questo grazie all'adozione di una nuova piattaforma software che integra anche la gestione di sterzo, freni e altre funzioni. Il tutto, sfruttando anche una serie di protocolli di comunicazione all'avanguardia che la Casa ritiene a prova di problemi di alimentazione o malfunzionamenti di ogni tipo.

Ora non resta che attendere la presentazione ufficiale, inizialmente programmata per aprile, al Salone dell'Auto di New York, e adesso fissata per il 9 settembre

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Lucid Motors Announces DreamDrive, 

an Advanced Driver-Assistance System that Debuts in the Lucid Air

Lucid Air to be the first electric vehicle offered with the combination of an advanced sensor suite, high-resolution LIDAR, a driver monitoring system, and a fully redundant platform

NEWARK, CA, July 28, 2020 — Lucid Motors, which seeks to set new standards for sustainable transportation with its advanced luxury EVs, today announced DreamDrive, a new benchmark in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). The first-of-its-kind platform combines the most comprehensive sensor suite on the market with a cutting-edge driver monitoring system, all standard on the first versions of the Lucid Air. Taken as a whole, DreamDrive signals Lucid’s intent to deliver sophisticated assisted driving capabilities in its vehicles.

When customer deliveries of the Lucid Air begin in early 2021, the pure-electric luxury car is expected to be the first to market with the combination of a driver monitoring system and a sensor suite that includes high-resolution LIDAR, fitting these future-proofed technologies as standard equipment. The DreamDrive technology suite supports 19 key safety, driving, and parking assist features that will be available on Lucid Air immediately upon start of production, with another eight features expected to be available later via over-the-air (OTA) updates. Additional DreamDrive capabilities to enable Level 3 driving in certain conditions are also in development.

“We have developed Lucid DreamDrive to be among the most advanced ADAS to ever be offered to consumers,” said Dr. Eugene Lee, Senior Director, ADAS and Autonomous Driving, Lucid Motors. “By prioritizing safety and updateability, DreamDrive also sets the stage for offering increasingly sophisticated driver assistance features. We have ensured that the Lucid DreamDrive hardware and software platform not only offers a full suite of Level 2 features, but is also Level 3 ready, which means we’ll be able to quickly add features and functions over-the-air throughout the lifetime of Lucid Air and for future Lucid models.” 

Lucid Air will come to market with 32 sensors comprised of the latest cameras and radar, as well as a front-facing, long-range LIDAR sensor with the equivalent of 125 beams. Also included in this multi-model sensor suite is an in-car driver monitoring system designed to share relevant information with the driver while ensuring their necessary attention to the driving configuration. As with the vehicle’s other software systems, upgrades will be delivered over-the-air throughout the lifetime of the car, including new ADAS functionality and service offerings.

Lucid DreamDrive is also the first ADAS system built upon a high-speed Ethernet Ring, a unique cornerstone of Lucid Air’s advanced electric architecture, which additionally serves as a fully redundant platform for key functions such as steering, brakes, sensors, and more. This includes redundant independent power sources and communications paths, fail-operational actuators, and fault-tolerant computation. 

“Lucid Motors is laser-focused on delivering the world’s best luxury car, embodying the most advanced powertrain and safety systems possible, all designed and developed in-house,” said Peter Rawlinson, CEO and CTO, Lucid Motors. “Our customers expect that philosophy to extend to the Lucid Air’s ADAS, and for that we’ve developed a highly advanced, future-proof system that brings forth an unparalleled combination of sensors and software.”

Lucid worked with key commercial partners for DreamDrive’s best-of-breed hardware systems, including Here, Continental, and Bosch. However, the work of integrating these systems into Lucid DreamDrive is conducted entirely in-house. 

The key features delivered by DreamDrive include, but are not limited to:


Surround View Monitoring
Blind Spot Display
Cross Traffic Protection
Traffic Sign Recognition
Automatic Emergency Braking
Alerts for distracted or drowsy drivers


Full Speed Highway Assist (Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Centering)
Traffic Drive-Off Alert
Headlight Assist


Autonomous Parking Assist
Pullout Control
Maneuver Comfort Braking

The production version of the Lucid Air will debut in an online reveal on September 9, 2020. In addition to the vehicle’s final interior and exterior designs, new details about production specifications, available configurations, and pricing information will also be shared. 

About Lucid Motors

Lucid’s mission is to inspire the adoption of sustainable transportation by creating the most captivating electric vehicles, centered around the human experience. The company’s first car, the Lucid Air, is a state-of-the-art luxury sedan, featuring a California-inspired design underpinned by race-proven technology. Featuring luxurious interior space in a mid-size exterior footprint, the Air will be capable of over 400 miles range and 0-60 mph in under 2.5 seconds. Production of the Lucid Air will take place at Lucid’s factory in Casa Grande, Arizona. 

Media Contact

Andrew Hussey